Almost home

This is from that last campground in Maine. I don’t have anything newer but I thought this was cool.

After driving through Canada for the past 2 days we are back in the good old U S of A. Somewhere on the border of the Upper Peninsula and Wisconsin. Barring unforeseen circumstances we will sleep in our own beds tomorrow night!

Speaking of beds, we couldn’t find a campground last night. Many people would take that as an opportunity to camp in a Walmart parking lot. We’ve often joked about doing exactly that. However, our generator isn’t working well and the forecast was too chilly for me to sign up for the adventure. So we slept in a motel!.

It was fantastic! We went to the hot tub and the bar. And we used a life-size private bathroom. Showered without needing quarters to start it and flip flops to avoid athletes foot. As it turns out we may have done this whole tour wrong.

But we’re back in a campground one last time tonight and it will be fine. From arrival to departure will be under 12 hours so it’s s not like we’re getting too comfortable.

Webster in general and my house specifically may not seem like much to anyone else, but I’m sure ready to see them!

Thanks for sharing he adventure with us.

The ceremonial dipping of the tires

The only ride we did today was to the neighboring town to dip our wheels in the ocean. They have a much better beach. It was a cool little town, too. Lots of fun shops.

We also hiked out to the Breakwater Lighthouse. We thought it would be better, but it was a mile walk on a granite pathway into the ocean so how bad can it be?

Then it was off to a fancy seafood restaurant for our lobster and champagne. But when they had a seafood pie on the menu my plans changed. It was delicious. Michelle had the lobster 🦞 and it was an awful lot of work.

Now we have to get everything repacked for a very long drive. This has truly been an epic trip and I can’t wait to see what life holds next!

As a matter of fact we did!

A great wine from one of the places we visited in Walla Walla Washington the first year. I’m still a member of their wine club!

In April of 2019 Michelle and I set off in a motorhome to ride our way from Oregon to Maine. Was meant to be 2 legs. Western in the spring, eastern in the fall. But that blizzard in Montana toward Memorial Day ruined our mojo. We ended up just riding Oregon through Montana that year.

2020 was going to finish it for us. But we all know how 2020 went. We did ride through Minnesota toward fall.

By 2021 we decided to just do what we could in a month or so. That ended up being Wisconsin and Michigan. We couldn’t cross over into Canada yet because of covid restrictions. Go figure!

Last year it just didn’t happen. Did you ever have a year like that?

This year we both set the month of May aside to finish what we started. A month or two beforehand I knew it would take some help for me so started looking in earnest for an e-bike. And I happened onto a wonderful bike that was even on sale. I told Michelle right away and she decided to get one too.

And today we finished our ride. I have yet to dip my wheel in the Atlantic, but there will be a chance tomorrow. We will be spending a day recovering and being tourists before starting the long journey home.

Thanks for following along with the blog. Who knows what the next adventure might be!

Still friends at the end of the road.

Pretty close now

Tonight we will stay in our second campground that isn’t officially open for the season. Don’t wowed, that little door on the water will be locked up tight!

You can’t call today uneventful. The rain last night cleared up in the wee hours and left us with a fantastic day to ride. We planned for two regular days and one short one to finish up.

Never plan anying.

30 miles in we changed drivers again. I watched myself set my phone on the rack and told myself how stupid that was. A mile and a half or so down the road I realized I couldn’t see it, so tried pushing the locate button on my watch. Nope.

It’s hard to turn around on a dime with a 30 foot motor home, but I did my best. I knew exactly where we’d parked. And I walked most of the ditch pushing that locate button every few feet. Nothing.

If you’ve read a post or two of this you probably realize that I’m navigationally challenged. So, how am I going to find Michelle and let her know I have to get to a cell phone store? It’s not easy being me.

I brought the iPad along to write blog posts on, so grabbed it, got on the route and found her. Then we coordinated our gps apps and headed to the nearest store.

I’m the proud (?) owner of a brand spanking new phone. It’s pretty but they sure do cost a fortune when you don’t have a trade in.

Still loving Maine, but now that we’re close to finished I think we’re both excited to be done!

The rain in Maine…

Our soggy campground for the night.

Yes you read that correctly. We are now in Maine. Not very far, but we are there. And it’s raining. Neither of us really wants to leave our bikes outside to get wet but we don’t have a lot of options. We ruined our awning years ago and it’s a small RV. No room for them inside. So we put them under trees hoping that will protect them, at least a little.

You can see our plant in that picture too. We set it on the picnic table to get a quick rinse. Hopefully the rain will make it happy. It’s a pretty nice little orange mint.

We shouldn’t have paid so much attention to the elevations on the map. this morning we drove through a lot that we could have ridden because we kept expecting it to get steep. Yes, it helped us cover a lot more territory, but our bike tour really is more than giving our bikes a tour on the back of the camper. We did ride something between 60-70 miles though. It was starting to rain in a few of those miles but really picked up once we got to the campground.

The rain is predicted to end overnight and tomorrow should be a pretty nice day. We hope to cross another couple sections of the map off the list and be that much closer to the coast.

Thanks for reading, keep your fingers crossed for nice weather! I’ll fill you in tomorrow night.

Check another state off the list

There are only a handful of states I haven’t been to yet. Until yesterday Vermont was one of them. And until today so was New Hampshire. Haven’t been to Maine yet, but it won’t be long now!

We went through a covered bridge today too. Pretty cool huh?

As for riding, what a great day we had. Not gonna lie, we drove over the really big ones. But we rode plenty of decent sized hills too. Some up, some down, even some flats. Roads, not tires.

I don’t think we had any wrong turns today, which is a nice change. Michelle did ride down one road where the bridge was closed, but there was cell signal so she was able to reroute. Fortunately I had taken the RV on the interstate to avoid the dirt road she would have been on for a mile and a half.

We are now in a very nice campground watching another couple of episodes. As a bonus, this season has a bunch more episodes than the other ones. We’ve for sure got another day’s worth out of it.

Tomorrow is going to be an earlier start so it’s time to wind down. Thanks for reading, see you again tomorrow.

A little time on the bike, a little time off

Our map showed us leaving Ticonderoga by ferry, but it’s not open for the season yet. And even if it was, I’m not so sure the RV would have fit on it. So we took an alternate route, which worked well. We crossed into Vermont on a bridge further north, the Lake Champlain bridge.

Another 15 miles and we were in Middlebury and ready to get back on the map. Is this the part where I mention that it’s a college town and very busy? Tons of one-way streets and very few parking spaces even for cars? I finally pulled into a gas station and filled the tank just to take a breather.

Eventually I found the highway that we were to meet on. Then it was my turn to ride again. There were 2 options. Stay on the busy highway or use google maps for a better bike route. Should have stayed on the highway. No pictures exist because people already thought I was a creeper. It routed me past an elementary school that was just dismissing. Not so much past, but through. Then it kind of wanted me to do it again. I looked for a different way. Ok, looked hopeful. Passed by another school with parents lined up for the carpool. Then onto a street that had no outlet. Fortunately there were a couple of dads nearby so I just asked them how the heck to get back to highway 7. They got me there.

If I didn’t already have gray hair, today would have turned it!

This is the elevation map for our next few sections. I don’t have a lot of hope for those 3 peaks even with an e-bike. We drove Middlebury Gap this afternoon as a sample. Parts of it are 15% grade. ouch, and no thank you.

While previewing the map we came to some interpretive trails dedicated to Robert Frost. That was cool. Here’s another photo from that trail, then I’m going to bed. If we have Wi-Fi and/or signal we’ll do this again tomorrow.

David, our Key to the Continent tour guide.

After laundry, today we had some fun. Off the bikes! too cold and windy for the bikes, chilly but acceptable weather for visiting Historical Fort Ticonderoga.

Cool place. We looked around quite a bit on our own, then did a guided tour, which was more this David guy giving a real history lesson. Interesting but more than I could retain at one time!

Then came the cannon demonstration. Also pretty great. I’ve seen cannon demonstrations before but not by people in period costumes yelling out commands as they went.

Then we came back home to the RV park where we’d left our hookups at our site, and they were still there. Anyone else see the irony in that? Got to Canada and someone steals our $20 plant, go to New York, leave $100 worth of gear laying out and it’s fine.

Tomorrow we ride, but not early. It’s going to take a while to warm up. And when we go it’s on a modified route. The ferry isn’t open for the season yet, but with a slight adjustment we can cross into Vermont on a bridge.

Next installment should be coming to you from there.

Made it to Ticonderoga

All night long sounded like someone was messing with our water. It can be a little freaky staying in an empty campground! t some point in the middle of the night it occurred to me that the sound was really the little door where the hose hooks up. We hadn’t locked it. Good news in that I knew there was no axe killer or poisoner out there. Bad news in that there was no way I was going out there to lock it in the cold dark night.

It was warm enough early enough that we were on the road by 9 or so. Michelle took the first 15 miles. Then t was my turn. Popped the battery on to my bike and what did I find? 24%. It didn’t charge last night.

On a positive note, I may be more capable then I’d led myself to believe. Made it through my 15. Thankfully there was some downhill. And I did turn it off when I wasn’t climbing.

Next t time I drove I started the generator and started charging. It ran for quite a while, then it stopped. And the light on it flashed 3 times. That means it requires service. Not anything I want to hear!

The batteries stayed charges. I had 4% left at the end. That was good.

Also good, I didn’t die. After a little accident on a descent in 2011, the only time I’ve been in a helicopter and I was strapped down, couldn’t even look out the window, I don’t care much for descents. As it works out Ticonderoga is straight down a 2+ mile hill. By riding my brakes way too much I kept it down to around 25. For some cyclists it would be a dream. Just not this one.

But here we are and we’re settled in for the evening. Tomorrow’s high is supposed to be 50 so chances are we’ll stay an extra night. Maybe we’ll do something fun and this can be a little more interesting!

Hello Adirondacks

We are still in upstate New York. and it’s really beautiful. There is a lot of water, whether it’s lakes or rivers. They have both. And there are all of these huge flat rocks! This one isn’t as flat as some, but once again I have to marvel at what an amazing country I live in.

We kept the mileage down to about 60 miles today. Tomorrow May be a little more again, but we’ll have to see is he hills are manageable or not. I think they will be. We’ll also have to see if the rain holds off. Hope so!

Tonight’s campground is actually very nice. Such a wonderful gentleman runs it! The thing is, it’s not really open for the season yet. But he answered his phone and Michelle convinced him to let us stay anyway. Shower house isn’t open but we have a shower in the rv so that works out just fine. And being the only ones here, at least the neighbors aren’t too loud!

Did I mention that the show we have been watching in our down time is Good Girls? It’s a good diversion for us. Sometimes while riding I find myself doing a little script writing. So far pretty much nothing that I come up with has happened, but there’s always hope for tomorrow!

Thanks for reading, keep your wheels on the ground. See you tomorrow.